Weekly lessons, short or long workshops, annual courses, close to home or further away, there are different ways to practice Biodanza.
Biodanza creates the ideal conditions to stimulate the best in yourself!
Joy of life, psycho-somatic balance, sexual development, individual expression, adaptability, relational intelligence, sense of harmony are experienced differently by each person.
Explanations and testimonials are interesting, but nothing is as valuable as experiencing Biodanza yourself.
Try it yourself. We wish you an exciting journey of self-discovery!
Are you looking for Biodanza classes near you or the way that suits you best to discover Biodanza?
Contact Inge for a no-obligation conversation.
Theme days & workshops
Regularity provides balance and stability, intensity fuels the fire
One or more days for yourself to recharge your batteries or to deepen a theme.
A theme day is ideal to discover Biodanza and then join a weekly group. Composed of 2 vivencias (sometimes 3) it is an accessible way to experience Biodanza and the conviviality during meals.
In the multi-day workshops you dive into the discovery of yourself and your possibilities. It's intense and revealing. You will come out deeply nourished with new tools to better shape your life.
Weekly lessons
The path to gradual transformation
Regularity allows for a great connection between the experience of the lessons and daily life. The facilitator guides you with dedication. Gradually, bonds of trust are established, the evolution is harmonious, the enjoyment of dancing is constant and growing. The weekly Biodanza class guarantees regular and integrated progress and offers the greatest satisfaction.
For Biodanza classes in your area, please contact us.
Seminars & continuing training
Interactive and dynamic
An excellent opportunity to actively experience the biocentric-vivencial didactics developed by Rolando Toro Araneda.
Seminars and continuing education
"Interactive & dynamic"
Experienced and driven teachers provide you with passion and humor with more knowledge and insight to apply in your work and daily life. To round off a seminar, a vivencia is always offered on the theme.
Part of the training for students at our school is the joint study and presentation of a theme with a bibliography as a guideline.
Examples of possible themes:
Structure and evolution of the universe
Theory of the origin of life
Biodanza, a new epistemology
Biocentric education
Code of ethics of the facilitator
Anthropology of dance
From chaos to order
The fractals
Me and you
Language and its various forms of expression
The universe
Structural moments
Motivations to live
Existential rehabilitation
Horizons of the psyche
Do you want to highlight a specific theme? Contact us or view the agenda.
Ongoing training
For a starting facilitator, guidance takes place through supervision by one of the didacts associated with the school.
In addition, we offer advanced training to exchange different experiences with each other and to receive support in everything that arises when you facilitate Biodanza in a weekly group. In practice, questions, problems and doubts always arise. That is why this phase in the process of becoming a facilitator: learning from each other under the guidance of experienced didacts.
When we have experience in the Biodanza facilitator profession, we see new needs, new possibilities for us and the people we guide. By updating and refining our methodological skills, we can deepen our work.
The methodological deepening of the different mechanisms of action of Biodanza confirms and updates the performance of our profession. Biodanza has evolved a lot since its inception. A professional awareness of the value of Biodanza and regular training go hand in hand.
The Flemish Biodanza School also offers deepening on a poetic semantic level: our choice of words as a facilitator can open new horizons. Responding poetically to the moment with our language is an art that connects, also in everyday life.
Do you want to highlight a specific theme? Contact us or view the agenda.
"The transient changes brought about by occasional participation in sessions or courses are not always enough to initiate a deep and lasting process of integration and full expression of potential. We cannot in one session or course free ourselves from the armors that we built during our lives.”
Rolando Toro Araneda
for specific target groups
Within organizations and companies, for example in the socio-cultural or psycho-educational sector, Biodanza is not only offered to employees, but also to managers and the target groups with which they work.
Some Biodanza facilitators are specialized and have experience with one or more specific target groups. Contact us! We will find the right facilitator for you!
Children, adolescents & families
The results are quickly visible: less violence, better concentration, more self-confidence, greater creativity, authentic solidarity and tolerance
Elderly people
Socialization increases, as does the quality of relationships between staff, residents and families.
At work
For organizations who are planning structural innovations, who want to align productivity and humanity, who want to communicate openly and efficiently.
Clinical Biodanza
For multidisciplinary teams who supervise diseases, rehabilitation protocols or social and psycho-educational problems: oncology, psychiatry, Alzheimer's, giftedness, generation poverty, migration, disabled people, ...