Time to party!
December 9 and 10, 2023
The Flemish Biodanza School is celebrating, our students of the second cycle are waving goodbye!
Dance your way to Paradise with us!
The compass of our existence is affective. And from there there is a path to our ecological paradise where we can be together in an essential, authentic, and poetic connection. In addition to where and with whom to live, there is a third force that is connected to the essence of our identity: What do I want to do?
Man's destiny, the unfolding of his existential seed, is not determined. It is a project that is formed and realized when we are true to our affective compass through the sensitivity of our movements.
Together we dance the way to Paradise, yours! Because the land of promise is different for everyone.
December 9, 10am to December 10, 17:30 am
Het Verblijf:
Rosweg 54, 1750 Lennik, Belgium

register here
To register:
Complete the form below completely
You pay your contribution to account number
IBAN: BE06 9731 7276 5522 (Natural Moves - Flemish Biodanza School) stating: your name + "party weekend December 2023"